I set out on a narrow way many years ago. Hoping I would find true love, but I got lost a time or two.
I couldn't see how every sign, pointed straight to you.
Now i know every long lost dream, led me to where you are. Others who broke my heart, they were just northern stars, pointing me on my way into your loving arms.
This much I know is true, that God blessed the broken road and led me straight to you :)
I think about the years I spent, just passing through. I'd like to have the time I lost and give it back to you.
But you just smile and said that it is beautiful life :)
Yuppp.. It's all part of a grander plan, that is coming true :)
blog pribadi yang isinya celotehan gw, suka duka hidup gw, apa yg gw percaya & ga gw percaya, apa yg gw suka & ga gw suka... all about me & my life...
31 May 2012
29 May 2012
Just press 9
ngantuk ? bosan ? jenuh ? bad mood ? sekarang ada obatnya...
tinggal ambil HP tekan 9 dan smoga suaranya langsung terdengar... :)
tinggal ambil HP tekan 9 dan smoga suaranya langsung terdengar... :)
28 May 2012
Orat oret.. di tengah pekerjaan yang menggunung :)
Klik BCA erorr.. lagi semangat kerja malah fasilitas kerjanya yang eror,, hadeuhhh...
Pagi tadi ketemu 1 opa di bus 510 tercinta,, si Opa ngajak ngobrol,, biasanya gw orang paling susah diajak ngobrol sama orang asing. Tapi entah kenapa, waktu si Opa nanya2 gw malah tertarik jawab.
Ehh setelah ngobrol panjang lebar dan berbagi pengalaman hidup, si Opa nanya kamu agama apa ? asal dr mana ? walahhhh.... ternyata sama2 orang Toraja, hahahaha...
Sehat2 ya Opa,, rukun2 sama Oma :) Trima kasih sudah berbagi pengalaman hidup tadi :)
Klik BCA erorr.. lagi semangat kerja malah fasilitas kerjanya yang eror,, hadeuhhh...
Pagi tadi ketemu 1 opa di bus 510 tercinta,, si Opa ngajak ngobrol,, biasanya gw orang paling susah diajak ngobrol sama orang asing. Tapi entah kenapa, waktu si Opa nanya2 gw malah tertarik jawab.
Ehh setelah ngobrol panjang lebar dan berbagi pengalaman hidup, si Opa nanya kamu agama apa ? asal dr mana ? walahhhh.... ternyata sama2 orang Toraja, hahahaha...
Sehat2 ya Opa,, rukun2 sama Oma :) Trima kasih sudah berbagi pengalaman hidup tadi :)
27 May 2012
The best b'day gift from Heaven
I Love Monday :)
Walau macet,, kerjaan overload, tapi kalo hati lagi senang semua bisa dinikmati :)
Buktinya gw masih sempet2nya orat oret di Blog, hahahah.. padahal kerjaan setumpuk menanti :p
Trima kasih Bapa buat hadiah ulang tahunku,, walau menurut ukuran waktuku hadiahMu agak terlambat,, tapi aku percaya dimataMu ini yang terbaik. Trima kasih buat malam terindah sepanjang May ini :)
Kamu yang diseberang sana,, thank you... you r my best b'day gift from Abba Father..
Back work...
Walau macet,, kerjaan overload, tapi kalo hati lagi senang semua bisa dinikmati :)
Buktinya gw masih sempet2nya orat oret di Blog, hahahah.. padahal kerjaan setumpuk menanti :p
Trima kasih Bapa buat hadiah ulang tahunku,, walau menurut ukuran waktuku hadiahMu agak terlambat,, tapi aku percaya dimataMu ini yang terbaik. Trima kasih buat malam terindah sepanjang May ini :)
Kamu yang diseberang sana,, thank you... you r my best b'day gift from Abba Father..
Back work...
hmmm.. you make me curious !!
thanks for 1 day trip yesterday. it's really a quality time :) but i still want to know you more and more..
mmmm if you serious with this relationship lets move forward, if it's just for fun i want stop it asap!
thanks for 1 day trip yesterday. it's really a quality time :) but i still want to know you more and more..
mmmm if you serious with this relationship lets move forward, if it's just for fun i want stop it asap!
26 May 2012
For you,, who makes me forget how to take a breath
baru kali ini gw lupa gimana caranya bernapas dengan normal,,
tiap kali dia panggil gw "sayang", gw lupa caranya tarik napas,, butuh waktu sekian detik untuk kembali ingat bahwa gw harus buru-buru tarik napas yg dalam :)
For you,, who makes me forget how to take a breath :)
tiap kali dia panggil gw "sayang", gw lupa caranya tarik napas,, butuh waktu sekian detik untuk kembali ingat bahwa gw harus buru-buru tarik napas yg dalam :)
For you,, who makes me forget how to take a breath :)
21 May 2012
Focus on God
Yesterday,, i've got an email from someone.. and i'm interested when i read the last paragraph : "Focus on God and let Him lead you to the right person"
I think that's should i do. I must Focus to God, yupp only to God.. and He will give me everything i need in His time :)
I think that's should i do. I must Focus to God, yupp only to God.. and He will give me everything i need in His time :)
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